The way to grow
Quote of the month = “The price of inaction is far greater than the cost of making a mistake. - by Meister Eckhart
I love this! - It’s a slap in the face reminder … to be okay with not being perfect, to be okay with not getting it right, to be okay with others judgement, to just flick the finger at self doubt and procrastination - and to get on with whatever you want to try!
How often does inaction show up in your life and in your business? Wondering when is the right time to take action? second guessing choices? making excuses?
We ALL do this, sometimes so full of inspiration, feeling unstoppable and then next thing full of “perfectionism”, “vulnerability”, “self doubt” &“confusion”. It’s a totally normal reaction to keep us “comfortable & safe BUT what if you want to GROW!
GROWING takes ACTION - that’s THE KEY.
So here is some super simple action steps, tips & tricks to get you going:
1). Commit to making yourself a priority
2). Set a goal, with a deadline and tell someone you know will keep you accountable
3). Try Mel Robbins 5 Second Rule (this is awesome)
4). Set yourself a reward
5). Get excited!! If you’re not “lighting up” about your goal - get another goal
Remember the more times you fail the more you will succeed. Now GO!! :)